Patty Kewitsch Receives Exceptional Service Award
The Wayzata Chamber and Business & Estate Advisers, Inc. work together to recognize local businesses who provide outstanding customer service.
We want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to Patty Kewitsch of Benedicts on being our most recent Exceptional Service Award Winner!
This nomination letter was received on February 3, 2021.
Dear Wayzata Chamber of Commerce.
Several years ago, I asked the owner of Benedict’s Restaurant, “What do you look for when staffing your business?”
He instantly replied, “Oh, that’s the easiest question of all. Just one thing: The hospitality gene.”
He went on to say that he can teach them everything they’ll need to know about food “But if they don’t have that gene in their DNA, they’ll not be working here.”
As you’ve no doubt noticed, Benedict’s has an abundance of Morning Heroes on their payroll.
The Chamber’s Exceptional Service Award needs to go to not only Benedict’s but, in particular, to the best server in the entire galaxy, Patty Kewitsch. Her positivity, enthusiasm, attentiveness…and willingness to put up with some of her regulars…aka reprobates, despicables and deplorables is a testimony to her magnificence! (And yes, guilty as charged, Your Honor.)
Since her first server job at Denny’s on Wayzata Blvd, Patty has been a stalwart in this little hamlet’s restaurant scene. Beginning at the mere age of 15, Patty worked the night shift…9pm to 3am. Her dad would pick her up after work for a well-deserved, late night (or early morning) sleep. Now, 45 years later, she continues to share her joy with those lucky enough to be in her presence…this time on the day shift.
Patty also worked at Country Kitchen, Sunsets, Lund’s and Byerly’s Kitchen (and perhaps several others) before joining Benedict’s. At last count, the number of former restaurants in Wayzata now approaches 50 in a like number of years. Had it not been for her, many would probably have closed even sooner!
Husband Mike, a former employee at Farmer (Duane) Marshall’s Wayzata Amoco, and she reside in Delano. Daughter Lauren and husband will soon become residents of Plymouth.
So, there you have it. This local gem is what makes Wayzata even better. Isn’t it about time credit be given where it is due?
Thank you. – Anonymous
Have you recently received exceptional customer service at a local business? If so, reward that local business by nominating them for the Exceptional Awards of Excellence.