Hey members, we want to see you soon!
Ben Johnson, Sarah Klang, and Kathy Packard volunteered at the Wayzata Art Experience this past weekend and had a few important messages to share with you.
First, the volunteer link for James J. Hill Days is live! If you are looking for a perfect opportunity to gather your coworkers and volunteer together, check out the Beer + Wine tent roles for this event. You can have just as much fun as Ben and Sarah! Sign up here >>
Second, the Annual Member Picnic is Thursday, July 21 and we hope you, your family, and four-legged friends join us for a delicious cook-out! This is a great opportunity to connect with other members, spend a day in the park with the family, and have a friendly competition with the home run challenge. Email info@wayzatachamber.com to sign your team of three up! And ice cream…. you better believe there will be ice cream.