An Update from the City of Wayzata
Virtual Meeting Content Recap
Yesterday, the Chamber hosted another virtual meeting as a part of the Chamber Connect series. We invited Wayzata’s City Manager, Jeff Dahl, to discuss the City’s financial position, staff you should know, an update on Panoway construction and answered some critical questions from our local businesses amid COVID-19.
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Join Us for the Next One
Tuesday June 2 at 2 PM | Via Zoom | Free to Attend
In Congress, Dean is focused on campaign finance, electoral and ethics reforms, and addressing healthcare costs, global climate change and our nation’s gun violence epidemic. He is a member of the House Ethics, Financial Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, as well as the Democracy Reform Task Force and the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force.
Please join us as we receive an update regarding the $2 trillion dollar coronavirus relief package and our Congressman answers your questions